
御連絡 !

明日 9/7 (火) の営業についてですが、ゴルフコンペのため休ませていただきます。


3 comments so far

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  1. Moin Nils, gibt es auf deiner Seite auch Daten zum Kaufpreis etc. ? Pahvussäiser sind ja immer etwas teurer. Konnte leider nichts finden.Gruß

  2. My family makes me feel optimistic, the thought that I will hopefully soon move back to live near them and get to see my beautiful sisters and nieces and nephews more often. It keeps me going at work and reminds me that there is so much to look forward to!!Twitter: EternalLife_

  3. These are great. They work really well on any tablet or touch screen phone. The colors are bright. I carry one around with me all the time . Great product. Great price. Would suggest these to anyone who uses a touch screen electronic device.